a proud taste for scarlet
a single shard
adam of the road
beduins gazelle
beyond the desert gate
black horses for the king
bronze bow
cathering called birdy
favorite poems
flame over tara
god king
golden goblet
great and terrible quest
greek myths
hidden treasure of glaston
hittite warrior
i juan de pareja
ides of april
internaltion childrens bible field guide
kingdom strikes back
life in ancient greece coloring book
mara daughter of the nile
master cornhill
monk who shook the world
myster of the roman ransom
samurias tale
second mrs gioconda
shadow of a bull
shakespeare stealer
silver branch
sing the word credo i believe
son of charlemagne
story of the world 2
story of the world i
theras and his town
time line figures g
trojan war
usborne encyclopedia

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