Prayer Poem: Less of Me, More of You

The Lord woke me one night, I was moved to pray.  I wasn’t sure what to pray for, so I submitted myself to pray in the Spirit, but to my delight the phrases were in English and they rhymed!  So I got up and told the Lord that if he continued to provide the words, I would write them down and share them at church.  You’ll recognize the title of this poem from a previous post.  I gave the title after I wrote the poem.  Or I should say, after God wrote the poem.  It really was amazing how fast this poem came together and how little I had to massage the words, most of this just poured out onto the page.  The pastor of our church commented that artistic expression is often a sign of revival within a person or church.  A couple of weeks before this another young man in our church had also shared a prayer had written, and we’ve had tremendous artistic expression come from our prayer room.  It’s exciting to see God move, and it’s good to pray this poem from time to time to offer your service to the Lord.  Merry Christmas!

Less of Me, More of You

Like lost sheep, we scatter and flee,
running from you, seeking our own destiny.
Shambles and ruin, await you and me
when we ignore the wisdom of “Jesus Loves Me”.

But thank God he is faithful and always pursues us,
to the very end of our days, He chooses us.
Hoping and waiting for the day when we cry,
I have been crucified with Christ, this life is not mine,
Do what you will, and glory be thine!

I repent, Lord, for the times I have overlooked and ignored
the cries of your people, who you adore.

So take my heart, replace it with yours,
That I might love like I’ve never loved before.
Take my lips, use them as thine,
Speaking truth to their hearts, and mine.
Take my eyes and let me see,
the realities of eternity.
Take my ears that I might hear,
the angels proclaiming “The time is near!”
Take my mind, and fill it up.
Quicken it Lord, with your good stuff.
Take my hands, and let them be
a blessing to those who cannot see.
Take my feet, and move me please,
to the divine appointments you have for me.

Give me the courage Lord, that when these things come true
I will be a humble servant, obedient to you.

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