H says if she saw a bear she would go “roar” at it and it would go away!
1 thought on “Hannah and the Bear”
Donald B Has she seen Star Wars yet? Can Imagine her Chewbacca Roar
Allie W nice! If Hannah was bigger than a 100 Calorie Pack, that might work!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yeah, it was very convincing in her cute little voice.
Bill N Beth C Did you see any … from a safe distance?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring No bears . . . but we did see quite a bit of other wildlife. We’ll have pictures up soon.
Donald B Has she seen Star Wars yet? Can Imagine her Chewbacca Roar
Allie W
nice! If Hannah was bigger than a 100 Calorie Pack, that might work!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yeah, it was very convincing in her cute little voice.
Bill N Beth C Did you see any … from a safe distance?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring No bears . . . but we did see quite a bit of other wildlife. We’ll have pictures up soon.