Big Brother

I was going to let Joel cry a little to see if he would climb out of his crib again, but look what I got instead.

1 thought on “Big Brother

  1. Amara R What a good helper. 😁

    Linda V Oh no! Nice brother.

    Debbie D Sweet brother!

    Taylor S What a great brother.

    Judy B That is so sweet

    David B Partners in crime.
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yes sir. It’s going to get real fun here soon. J is finally starting to wrestle with Ben and he loves it. 🙂

    AshleyandAustin R This is so sweet!

    Bertha M Adorable!

    Neeley D Hahaha!!! Big brother to the rescue!❤️

    Jenn H Awe. My kids don’t like Aubree crying either.

    Maria T What a nice brother. Ben wants to let mom rest longer.

    Katy L Already working as a team!

    Terah L Well you did your job in making Ben a great brother, son and human being in general. That is so sweet. Warms my heart to see.

    Janel M Such a helpful brother! Lol!

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