I guess Benjamin (and Daddy) can be scouts after all. I figured out how and where to put their patches. He earned two badges this summer that haven’t been ordered yet.
Hannah gets a sash with patches and badges. I think that she finished two this summer as well. We are ordering the girls’ stuff this week.
Kim G Have you looked into Trail Life USA?

Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring We were going to do Trail Life in CA but only because our church at the time didn’t have a Royal Rangers Outpost. RR is run by Assemblies of God, which we align with theologically pretty well. We have been really impressed with the curriculum and support/activities at the local, district, and national level for Rangers and the Girls Ministries side too.
Kim G
Michelle B Craig and I worked with RR at GVAG. Loved it! We had so much fun.