The years just keep getting better. Last year my birthday was our first full day back in TX (driving the while time). It has been a great year with our new house, hosting Christmas and New Years and seeing lots of family and friends and making new ones.
David E Happy B Day today and glad you’ve enjoyed your day
Megan S Happy birthday Rebecca!
Lucille C Happy Birthday Rebecca

Maria T Very happy for you, your are the lucky one. Enjoy !!! Miss you and Nate and kids.

Rick H Happy birthday Becca! We miss you guys.
Larry M Happy birthday miss you guys so much.
Mary B Happy birthday Becca I hope you have a good day
Jane D Happy BELATED birthday, Rebecca!
Cyndi A Oops! One day short, but birthday blessings still sent up for you!
Alison T happy belated! Hope it was wonderful
Nina M Happy Birthday Becca!
Diana L Happy Birthday Rebecca.
Darcy H Happy belated birthday!
Min W Happy belated birthday!
Lalith S Happy Birthday Rebecca!
Judy S Happy Birthday Becca! Hope your day was lovely!
Karla E Hope you had a great Birthday!
Julie H Happy birthday Becca! Hope you had a great day!
Ruth G Happy Birthday!
Alayna M Happy Birthday Becca!
Vicki K Happy Birthday Becca!
Audrey P Happy Birthday! =)
Hannah C Happy birthday Gods blessing on your special day
Tina K Happy Birthday
Sonia P Happy Birthday
Nikki R We hope you are having a wonderful birthday! Happy birthday Rebecca.
Doneane F Happy birthday Rebecca.
Kayla S Happy birthday Becca! love ya!
Wesley G Smile It’s your birthday!
Jana W Happy Birthday!!
Beverly M Happy Birthday Rebecca!
Amy G Happy happy birthday!
Sue C Happy Birthday Rebecca!! Hope it has been a fun and wonderful day!
Sarah R happy Birthday!
Doti G Happy Birthday Becca! Wishing you a fantastic day! Miss you!
Cindy P Happy Birthday!
Lacey W Happy Birthday! I still need to get up there to see you sometime!
Becca Yes you do. We’ll be down again at the beginning of Nov if you want to meet for dinner
Lacey W I’ll be driving from Arkansas to either Dallas or San Antonio on Saturday Nov 5th, if that’s the weekend you mean. I could probably do something that Sunday, though. The next weekend is free.
Brad B Happy Birthday
Aaron G Happy birthday!
Allie W Happy Birthday
Tara G Have a super blessed birthday!!
Michelle B Happy Birthday

Jackie P Happy Birthday!
Catherine L H Happy birthday!!
Mary M Happy Birthday Becca!!!
Sherrie S Happy birthday

I hope it is wonderful.
Bobby P birthday dinosaur and baloons
Celina M Happy Birthday Rebecca.. hope you are having a wonderful and blessed day..

Amber F Happy Birthday

Wendy H Happy Birthday Rebecca! I hope you have a great one!
Amy W HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!
Terra D Happy Birthday!!
Chris M Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
Ana H Happy Birthday honey!!! May you have a Blessed day filled with , peace, joy and all the amazing things God has Blessed you with!

Hugs and kisses to all.
Layne D Happy birthday!
Justin S Happy Birthday!
Abby G Happy birthday!!!
Noel M Hope you are enjoying a wonderful birthday!
Heather F Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day!
Ben I Happy birthday
Lee Ann H Happy Birthday! Have a great one! Cheers!

Earnest R B Happy Birthday!
JamesnJana D Happy Birthday. I pray that you have an awesome birthday.
Del F Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY
Jenny M Happy Birthday!!
Stephanie R Happy Birthday!
Randy F Happy bday
Linda L Have a wonderful blessed Birthday!!!!
SjaakGinny V Happy birthday! We miss all of you!
Becca Aww we miss you too, well have to figure out a way back to az sometime
Emily L Happy birthday!
Kirsten L. A

conserve water, drink dr. pepper
enough said
Becca That’s right, I’m doing my part to save the world.
Marcus B Happy birthday Rebecca!
Davis H Happy Birthday
Jr C Have a wonderful birthday Rebecca!
Denis D Happy BD
Lolly M

Carolyn L Happy birthday!
Morgan H Happy Birthday Becca!
have a great day!
Mathew R Happy birthday!
Kirsten L. A Happy Birthday cousin!! Hope your family spoils you today
It was such a pleasure getting to know you better this summer. You are so patient and consistent with those precious kids, and you and Nate make such a great team <3
Whitney M Happy Birthday!
Leah G Happy birthday! Do lots of fun stuff!
Lynda T Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!
Bob L Happy birthday!
Danielle O Happy birthday, Cousin!!
Josh J Happy birthday Becca!
David W Happy birthday !

Mark R Happy Happy Birthday Rebecca!!
Janie S Happy birthday Becca. Have a great day.

Gregory S Happy Birthday!
Jennifer A Q Happy birthday my friend
Steve A Happy Birthday
Sheri N Happy Birthday to you Becca! Enjoy every moment of your special day with your darling family.

Jennifer N Happy Birthday
Donald D Happy Birthday from Mom and Daddy
Leah K Happiest of birthdays to you!
Aaron T Happy birthday
Kirsten M Happy Birthday Becca
Hope you have a great day!
David B Have a Blessed Birthday.
Melisa C Happy Birthday!!!
Debbie D Happy Birthday Blessings, Becca!!
Katherine P Happy birthday!!!!
Debbie D Happy Birthday!
Julie M Happy birthday Becca. Have a terrific day!
Heather M Happy Birthday!
Donald B Happy BDay! Have a blast!!
Lisa S Happy birthday, big sis!! Hope you have a refreshing time of celebration.
Becca Thanks, you too
Megan W Happy Birthday

Jeanne M Happy birthday Rebecca! Hope your day is full of delightful things! you lots! Xxoo
Becca you too, so excited to see you soon
Brandon G Happy B-day
Emily G Happy early birthday Sister of the Lord! I'm thankful for your friendship!
Becca , that's funny. I was just thinking that I need to turn off the sound on my phone so those early birthday notices won't wake me up.