Finding good clean books for my upper elementary readers is kinda hard. But I love the Ranger’s Apprentice series (and other books by Flannagan) so I got it for Ben. He read the first one and told me thanks for getting it for him!
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Emily G Awesome! Thanks for the suggestion. My son loved Keep of the Lost Cities
Adam S I read all of those when the twins were born and I was spending half my days in a glider with them. They have spinoffs as well that are good.
Christine P My son liked these too
Ashley M Oh! I’ll go thru my YA collection and see if anything jumps out at me
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Too much YA has love triangles and angst. I just want good stories.
Ralph H Many years ago I read some of Frank Peretti’s books – here is link to one of them.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yes, I like Peretti. Not sure if it would be good for my elementary readers though.
Ralph H Yeah – I didn’t know about that either..
Shelley H We loved little house on the prairie and junie b books