(Nate) I attribute much of my life to my camping ministry. I worked at Lutheran Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, TX from ’95-’99. Most people can’t begin to understand what working in a Christian camp environment will do to you. For me, I would have to say it changed my life, it was my pivotal moment. Working at a camp is a little bit of everything. It is the hardest, most trying, most tiring, most rewarding, most enlightening, and most exciting job you can ever imagine. I wish every individual could spend one summer at a camp like this. It really makes you grow and mature as a person and as a Christian. My final year I had the opportunity to serve as Leadership Staff as LYLE Co-coordinator. LYLE is a Senior High leadership training program which stands for Lutheran Youth Leadership Experience. My partner (Jana Klaehn) and I worked closely with small groups of Sr. High youth developing leadership skills. We developed the curriculum and organized/presented this information in the form of interactive workshops. Camp is very focused on experiential learning. It was a lot of fun, and I had the opportunity to work with some wonderful young adults. Many of them I continue to work with on a peer level in YARPs. As Leadership Staff I helped train and mentor the summer staff.
(Becca) I worked at Camp Chrysalis as a Cabin Leader during the summer of 2002. I had the most draining, awesome, and high tension time of my life; and it was so wonderful. I continue to speak to many of my girls on a regular basis and have wonderful memories of the staff that I worked with. I would also recommend working at a camp at least one summer of your life because even though you are trying to be an influence on the youth, you end up learning and growing in so many ways!