God is good, all the time.
I am sorry again for the delayed response, communication was slow for me
during our vacation in Australia, and since then I’ve been working hard to
get back into the groove of life, I think I’ll need another vacation
soon. Australia was awesome, I highly recommend it. I feel very
blessed to have been able to take such a wonderful vacation with loved
ones. You can see our pictures at: Australia Album
But this email is really about my dad. As you know, after my dad’s first
surgery to remove the bladder tumor doctors believed that more cancer
likely existed in his ureter and possibly kidney. On July 13th my dad went
back into surgery to determine the extent of the remaining cancer. On July
13th doctors were pleasantly surprised to find no further traces of cancer,
and subsequent tests have given him a clean bill of health once again. Yay
Thank you once again for your prayers. I hope you will take great
satisfaction knowing that they did make a difference.