Well, not much has changed since last month. I’ve gained about 15 pounds total. It’s getting hard to put on my shoes in the morning. The doctor says the baby weighs about 2 pounds and will double over the next month. He also says that it’s head is down. Which I probably would have guessed since it seems to be punching me really low. It starts to get really active around 4 in the afternoon and does a little workout until around 7. Then it decides to take a break until I want to go to sleep around 9 or 9:30 and starts back up again. : We start seeing the doctor every two weeks now.
We are going on our last flight for quite awhile for Thanksgiving in Colorado with Nate’s family and we are looking forward to the Milne’s visit at the beginning of December. After that, no more travelling for us.
I have a baby shower at work in early December. That will be interesting as I’ve only ever been to one baby shower before and about half of the people coming are boys (including Nate). It’s a dessert party though, so I’m excited.