In a lot of ways, this year took forever and in other ways, the year flew by. We’ve tried to enjoy as much of it as possible (and laugh when it wasn’t enjoyable) and its been amazing to see how our little helpless baby has grown into a very independent little 1 yr old. She loves to feed herself and often occupies herself with her toys. She likes to show you what she has been doing though, so you have to stay close by even when she doesn’t necessarily want you to play with her.
She loves to climb on everything and has recently taken her first independent ventures into the backyard (through the dog door). She loves Hercules and he is very patient with her even when she sticks her fingers in his eyes and pulls his ears. We’ve begun to see some of her personality traits come out, especially the ones we wish we hadn’t passed on to her. She likes to figure things out, but when things don’t work the way she thinks they should, she gets a little impatient (from mom) and frustrated (from dad). Hopefully, we’ll figure out a way to encourage the good behaviors and work on getting rid of our own bad ones.
She got 4 teeth over Christmas which brings us to a total of 6. She has been having problems with ear infections since early Jan, so we may end up having to put some tubes in. She signs a couple of words including ‘milk’, ‘more’, and ‘all done’ as well as waving hello and goodbye and clapping anytime anyone says “yay”. I think she would do more if I would do more, but I’m not very disciplined (and I need to learn more signs).
She had her one year well visit today and she is roughly 50th percentile across the board. Just an average kid!
Hannah has been doing some body art at day care: You can see some of it here:
2008 Art