Well the ‘great debate’ was decided last Friday. I figured it would be easier living with my husband for the next 5 months if I let him find out the sex. The ultrasound went well; baby seems to have all the correct body parts as well as a healthy pee-pee. My favorite part is seeing the brain and the heart. The technician did bring in a doctor since I have something called an amniotic band going across my placenta. It is just a string of tissue. Apparently, babies can get tangled up in these (usually happens early on) and then their arm/leg/other extremities don’t develop correctly. Since the baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes, and is otherwise healthy, the nurse told me this isn’t a big concern, but my doctor will probably order additional ultrasounds through the pregnancy to monitor the band and the baby.
Hannah doesn’t quite understand the concept of “baby in my tummy” or “big sister”, but I’m sure she will catch on quick enough in Nov. In other news, she is basically potty training herself. We’ve had a little toilet for awhile and she has seen other kids use them, so the other day she gave me the sign for diaper, I put her on the potty, and she went! Since then she has gone a couple more times in the toilet as well as on my floor, and it would be nice to have her out of diapers (mostly) by the time bubba comes. She loves swimming in our little pool on the patio and playing in the bath tub. She enjoys the time right after bath because we let her run around naked until bed time, usually only 5 to 10 minutes or until we can catch her.
Well, if baby boy arrives healthy, he will be the second Moehring namesake as well as the first boy on my side of the family for quite a few years. Grandpa Diltz is pretty excited and has already noted that “Donald Glenn” isn’t such a bad sounding name. Nate wouldn’t talk to me about names (it was all part of his strategy), so we’ll have to work on that one, but we probably won’t share.
Mary M Congrats Nate & Becca…How exciting! A brother for Hannah!
Sarah M congrats! when are you due? We’re having a little boy due october 5. congrats again!!
Kerri H YAY!!! Congrats!
Sarah K Congratulations! How exciting!
Debra Aubrey I love the pointer … do we get to help with names? Let’s get started: Bob.
No – not Bob – it conjures up “people” at work … No palindromes for Nate this time.
Danielle O yay!!!!! another member of the clan!!!
Stephanie M Congratulations!!