Since the rule is that Hannah can’t take toys out of Benjamin’s hand, she has now resorted to watching what toy he is headed for (whether she was interested in it or not), getting there before he gets ahold of it, and moving it somewhere else where he can’t reach it, not even playing with it. So what am I supposed to do?
Kerri H Sounds like that could be a possession/jealously issue. I’d try encouraging her to keep playing with whatever toy she has at the time when you see her trying to go for Ben’s “toy of interest,” or redirect her to a different toy (one you KNOW she likes!). When you do that, explain why you’d like her to pick something different – “it looks like Ben wants that toy. Let’s let him play with it and then when he’s done you can play with it.” Also maybe encouraging her to play WITH Ben, even though she’s not quite to the age where she understands that concept. And of course, praising her when she shares with Ben/does something that shows him respect.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yeah, I think I’ve decided that if he is headed toward it, then its in his “possession” and she is taking it away from him. Not allowed. 🙂
Kim G Smart Smart is all Im saying!