Needs some new mommy friends who are actually home in the afternoon and whose kids are actually awake when my kids are awake instead of napping. I know its a lot to ask for . . . apparently I’m the only one around whose kids sleep right after lunch instead of at 2 or 3.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Oh, and they have to be interested in having play dates with me and my children . . . tough
Emily G Wish you were closer…sounds like we are on the same schedule!
Kim G With you girl, mine are down at 11:30ish and get up around 2ish!!!!
Amy M Move to Georgia with me!!! I bet yall could find awesome jobs there and we could take the kids to the beach all the time! COME ON!!!!
Doti G Can’t you just switch your schedule all around? I’d prefer you work in the afternoon so that we can have some morning playdates!
BTW…we had fun with your kids at the park the other day. That would be the 6:30pm playdate!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Have seriously contemplated both moving closer to sibs and totally wrecking my current schedule. I just can’t justify paying a nanny for hours my kids are sleeping.
I’m glad Nate gets to have playdates. . .
Allie W See- this is why you want me to have kids placed- I do naps after lunch!