I recognize that I am OCD, and playing with play doh stresses me out when the colors get mixed up (trying to let go a little, Hannah does really well). Is it wrong for me to teach and expect my children to either keep the colors separate to begin with or to separate them after they are done? Is it ok for me to not let friends kids play with the play doh because once it gets all mixed up I end up throwing it away. . .
Julie M Um, yes it’s wrong. You’re going to heck. Try to teach them and buy new after the friends leave.
Kirsti S Well, I’m a kindergarten teacher and I only let each kid get out one color at a time when they’re in that center. I’ve wondered if that makes me mean, but I also hate when the colors get all mixed up. Once they know my rule, they are quite the “tattle tales” when someone breaks the rule!!
Amanda P No that would really bother me too!
Michael L V Maybe find another toy? Like… giant legos?
Rhonda L Don’t worry too much about the details! Make sure she’s having fun, learning, and creating great memories with Mom. Try to teach her to keep them separate as you can, but also know that kids love playing with the purplish gray combo Play-doh as much as they do the pretty colors. The issues will get bigger as the kids get bigger…
Kerri H Speaking for teachers everywhere, PLEASE teach your child not to mix play doh. If you’d like her to learn about color mixing and what not, make or buy a batch that is “special” and just for mixing.
Allie W Unless Hannah likes Brown play-doh, no mixing
When I was there, it drove me nuts too! Just show her that it makes brown… maybe keep a little baggy for “mixed” play-doh… ok, I know, I’m nuts!
Beverly M Ladies… as a now Grandma; let’s remember who the play-dough is really for! I was just happy when it didn’t get dried out in between uses!
Christina M Ok, I am laughing so hard right now that my side is hurting. You give me comfort knowing that even though I am a perfectionist, I am not as crazy as you! :>)
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Hehe, well, at least I now know that I am not the only crazy one.