Hannah has been amazing us lately. She is so smart and soaks up everything we say or do and repeats things back to us with her great memory days later.
Some of her latest accomplishments:
- Art Projects
- This is probably mostly credited to our new nanny trying to think up fun things for the kids to do. She and I watch the magazines for fun new art projects and then they work on them in the mornings.
Clay Flower Pots, Horse, Monkey
- People Drawings
- This is a very recent activity. She is very concerned with making sure they have the majority of thier body parts including fingers and necks. She doodles them on random pieces of paper on our desk and really loves drawing with pens (I think because she can be more precise with the thin line). I’m really loving the variety of them that she draws.
- Potty Training
- I’m going to declare victory here. She has been doing great with panties during the day, hasn’t had any accidents.
- She has also been staying dry at night and actually wore panties to bed last night (I forgot) and went when she got up this morning, still dry!!
- I’m sure we will still have a few accidents to clean up here and there, but I’m pretty excited!
- Painting
- I don’t know if 2 1/2 yr olds are supposed to be able to paint like she does. She often stays in the lines if she is painting a coloring page, and she has great imagination if she is just free painting on construction paper.
We didn’t help her with this at all!
- Pretend Play
- We’ve been doing a lot of pretend play. She loves to boss (I wonder where she got that?) and often I end up being “the baby” and she takes care of me. Or she wants daddy to be mommy and mommy to be Benjamin.
- She has learned that you can pretend anything is pretty much anything else, she takes the little blocks and pretends they are cookies.
- We have fun playing tea party, though we always end up drinking milk and eating soup.
- Attending music class with some of the neighborhood kids
- She is still a little shy during class, but she talks about her teacher a lot at home
- Just this weekend, she told Nate that red and blue make purple and blue and yellow makes green! She could be just repeating something she heard, but I’m pretty sure she actually understands that she can mix the colors (this would also be due to our nanny working with her doing artsy stuff).
- She knows most of her letters and can write a few of them. I’m not sure if I should be working with her to make the correct motions or not. She is already getting into some habits that may be hard to break later on (any K teachers out there want to let me know?).
- She LOVES playing on the computer. Even if we just set up a Word doc and let her type letters. She knows how to use the mouse and click and recently she figured out the drag and drop action. Pretty soon I’m going to have to fight her for my computer time. 🙂
Ok, I think that is enough for now, trying to remember some of this for scrapbooking later. Can you tell I’m a proud momma?
When I watch her in the nursery, she is head and shoulders above the 3yo’s. She’s very interested when we read, knows her numbers and is a brilliant kiddo!