Benjamin turned 1 this week! He is quite amazing and adept at getting around without quite walking yet. I don’t think it will take very much longer though. He can stand without holding onto anything for a few seconds and he will sometimes forget and take pre-steps. I’m sure after we see family over the holidays, they will encourage him to step up.
He weighs almost 25 lbs and is 30 inches tall. (Hannah only weighs 28 lbs.) He got two shots today and since our dr office isn’t buying the prevnar shot, we have to find a clinic that is offering it in the next couple of weeks. Ben is starting to be interested in coloring and finger painting, loves to read and will sometimes sit to be read to. His favorite thing to do is throw things or bang things on the floor/table to see what sound they make. Balls, blocks, beanie babies, and balloons seem to be his favorite right now. He loves music and does a cute little baby bounce dance. He seems to be louder and dirtier than Hannah ever was, but maybe that is just selective memory. He has a mouth full of teeth and is really into using his fork/spoon to feed himself. Though that often becomes a useful drumstick for making noise at the table.
Hannah seems to learn new things every day. She loves artwork of just about any form and is really good at puzzles. She knows most of her letters and is starting to try to write them. She is usually a good big sister and is having lots of fun playing with Benjamin’s new birthday toys. She has been attending a music class in the neighborhood and we are amassing quite a pile of shakers, drums, and other musical instruments. We recently discovered her hair is finally long enough to pull into pig tails (but not long enough for a regular pony). Using the computer seems to come instinctively to her, she loves the fisher price and nick jr games. She also uses words like “I’ll email you”, “I’m updating right now”, or “I need to shut down”.
Nate is settling in at Orbital (not much has changed yet since the buyout) and Becca still loves her “mommy” schedule of 24 hrs/week. We’re still playing volleyball one night a week. We host a home group from church and a women’s “Beth Moore” bible study once a week. We had been pretty busy over the summer with foster care respite, but now the holidays are taking up our time so we may only have one more set of kids this year. We’re preparing ourselves for a school age full time placement starting some time in January. It will be interesting to add the school and homework drama to the mix.
We are so blessed to have happy, healthy, smart children and wonderful family and friends to share this time of year with.
Love you all,
The Moehrings
It’s such a blessing to have you all in our lives. We love you!