My son has been steadily destroying his pacifiers (he bites the ends off). So, I think that is helping me avoid the paci-fairy next month when he is 18 months. He only has two left. We shall see.
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Donald B Give him some Ring Pops for his next pacifier
That way he can chomp on them all he wants
Gena B Cobee Ann just did that the other day! She’s two and still loves her paci’s for nap and bed tim. She also has a “doll” if you want to call it that, she takes him everywhere. He the green thing from yo gabba gabba (Brobee) I just figure that when she runs out of paci’s I won’t buy anymore but everytime I think we’re done she or we’ll find another hiddin’ somewhere.