They pulled one of my baby teeth yesterday . . . its been with me a long time.
1 thought on “Baby”
Julie M now you’re a big girl!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Nope, still have one baby tooth!
Julie M aww, so you’re still tiny
Oscar H wow u still have ur baby teeth 4 real 4 real?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring These two didn’t have adult teeth underneath them, so they never fell out. But the one’s root started to deteriorate and was getting infected, so they pulled it.
Jaren S wow. my teeeth seriously take 6-12 months 2 come out!!!!!!!! whlie ross gets his out within the hour of it being loose
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5
Julie M now you’re a big girl!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Nope, still have one baby tooth!
Julie M aww, so you’re still tiny
Oscar H wow u still have ur baby teeth 4 real 4 real?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring These two didn’t have adult teeth underneath them, so they never fell out. But the one’s root started to deteriorate and was getting infected, so they pulled it.
Jaren S wow. my teeeth seriously take 6-12 months 2 come out!!!!!!!! whlie ross gets his out within the hour of it being loose