Hannah is completing her first time through P3/4 this week. We’ve completed gluing all of her read aloud pictures into her lapbook. And she had a good time showing it off to daddy. Based on some suggestions at the Sonlight forum, we are going to go through the Core again instead of moving on to the next one. I’ll be trying to hold off until she turns 4, but we may not make it.
While we had our foster son, we worked a lot on letters and their sounds with him since that was what he was focusing on at preschool. He and Hannah both learned all their basic letter sounds in the course of the 2 1/2 months we had him. Ben even sometimes runs around making sounds, his favorite are B (buh) and D (duh). I blame this largely on the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD as it helps the children have fun connections for each letter sound – think popping popcorn for P. Since Hannah seems to be rearing to go, we will be starting the first Sonlight Language Arts curriculum (K) as we go through the read alouds again. We already got the readers (the ones she is supposed to read to me) and even though they don’t show up in the schedule until a couple months in – when you know enough letters to make some words, she is starting to read them to me. Its really fun because a lot of the time she sounds the word out correctly, then just makes up something unrelated to the sounds she just said based on the picture. My other problem is that she has most of the books in our house memorized, so that makes it hard for her to actually read the words instead of just saying what she knows they are supposed to be.
Hannah’s first dot to dot. We forgot to make it clear that she needs to try to draw the shortest line between the two numbers. I think she did really well considering I think she probably only knew what the numbers to 10 look like.
I’ve been making new contacts in the homeschooling arena and have been given some materials as well as some sold at discount. So I’m starting to collect the next round of readers and workbooks. Hopefully, I’ll find out that I saved money overall when I compare to the full price at the website.
Hannah has a friend that is a year older than her whose mom just decided to try homeschooling since they won’t let her into kindergarten next year and she will probably be bored (she is already reading very fluently). So we’re discussing the possibility of some joint field trips in the fall; dairy farm, bakery, fire station . . . Should be fun.
And, as always, the kids have been doing fun crafts with our nanny!