Since H is learning letter sounds B is running around saying one syllable sounds. Its kinda funny because H was saying sentences at this age and it kinda sounds like B is regressing!!
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Julie M my guess is that you’ll notice that a lot. william was quite a talker but pap didn’t put together more than two words until almost 4. i noticed my boys were super immature compared to my nieces…until they hit their teens when the girls found puppy love and the boys couldn’t care less.
Dawn V I’ve always heard that’s a big difference between girls and boys, and it holds true with Ashby and our nephews.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring There is definitely a difference, though I don’t think he’s any less ‘smart’. He just focuses his energy on other things than she does. He’s an amazing climber and is currently totally into tumbling. He can actually do a front roll. He communicates just fine with signs and grunts, so why use sentences? Plus he’s really into mimicking her and right now, that’s what she’s doing.
Dawn V Boys are so much more physical. They all balance out eventually. I mean, us girls do chat more in the long run, so maybe we are always different. Who knows! ;P