I looked and there before me was a large field. In the middle of the field was a man holding a basket. As I came closer the focus turned to the basket as the man’s hand beckoned me to look as he lifted the lid. Inside the basket was a harvest of large healthy vegetables. . . Fade out.
Prayer and Praise 11/18
I’m not sure why it is veggies in the basket other than the fact that I do have fond memories of the stuff we would grow in my mom’s garden growing up. So I know that they are tasty and better than the stuff I normally eat (that I don’t like very much). And I know that its usually veggies in large fields as most fruits grow on trees. But I do think this is God’s way of telling me/us that while we may not be able to see the fruit of our labor now (or while we may be tired of sowing at the moment), there WILL be a good harvest later. No indication if I would get to see the harvest while I’m still on this earth, but nice to know anyway.