I have accepted a position at Orbital Sciences starting next week. Yes, this is where Nate works, no we won’t be in the same group. I’ll be working as a Systems Engineer doing System Modeling and Requirements Management/Analysis. I might also be doing some Test Planning. I will be able to maintain my part time status and possibly even work a couple extra hours a week.
Everything has happened very smoothly through the whole process and the best part is that my job will be 5 min away instead of 30 min away. I will miss the people I have met and learned from at GD, but its going to be so great to be closer to home and more available for those days when the kids need me.
I’m excited for the new job and a new start. Hopefully, I’ll get out from under the “fresh out” stigma and enter into a “she was hired because of her abilities”. The bar is raised for me to do what I say I can, but I’d rather have that than to not be expected to know anything.
Other things are also changing. . . I’m not going to play on a co-ed volleyball team next season. We’ve got the two kiddos that will be taking up a lot of our time and babysitting money is now doubled. Nate will mostly likely still play if they get a team pulled together. I am going to get to play on a women’s league with some ladies that I really like instead, so that will be nice.
The new foster girls sound like they may be more longer term than ones we’ve had in the past. So settling into a good routine with them and navigating the school system and such will be a lot of what I’ll be doing next semester.
I’m getting involved in coordinating a monthly foster care and adoptive families support group. I think I may end up spending a bit of time on this. There is so much need there, mostly just for people to have someone to talk through the things they are dealing with. I’ll be focusing on matching people with needs with people who can meet those needs. (So get ready for me to ask you to help!)
And last but not least, a switch finally flipped in my brain and I have decided that I do want to homeschool the kids and that things have been working out so far with the pre-k curriculum I purchased and with my schedule. So we’ll be continuing that and I’m going to be moving Hannah up a level when she turns 4 in February.