Hannah shared her 4th birthday spotlight with our foster kids and had a joint birthday party at Amazing Jakes. She didn’t seem to lose out on any birthday presents though. She had a well visit check up and didn’t even need any shots. To do something special for just her, I took her to her first ballet to see Sleeping Beauty. Even though we stayed up way past bedtime, she did a great job and watched the whole thing. I was excited when she was able to retell the story to others when they asked her how the ballet went.
Other Hannah February pictures here
Both kids continue to bless and amaze us. They recently took a movement class together and learned lots of fun stuff like donkey kicks, balance beams, and the wheelbarrow. Hannah is reading phonetic words and knows a few sight words as well as doing some early math. Benjamin knows all his letters and goes around the house saying random letter sounds (cause that’s what everyone else is doing right?). But he mostly just does his own thing, driving his trucks and cars and trains and jumping off the furniture.
My time alone with them in the afternoons is invaluable in keeping us sane and giving them a break from the foster girls. They both did amazingly on the trip to TX in early Mar without mom or dad for 4 days.
Hannah’s 4th year collage above
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