When we started LAK (June of 2011) there was an almost weekly activity to create a letter page for the letter of the week. They would spend a few weeks on vowels so there were some extra weeks in there. I’ve posted on some of our pages before.
Basically, we would write the letter in the middle of the page and then add the provided images that went with that letter and write out the words for those images. Additionally, we would look through a picture dictionary and a children’s dictionary for that letter and see if we could find any more words to add to our page. This really helped Hannah a lot with the concept of ‘alphabetical order’. As we became more proficient at writing and drawing, we tried to draw some pictures too. It’s fun to see the progression from the pages that I did almost entirely, to the pages that Hannah did almost entirely. The letters did not go in order, they progressed with letters that were used most often so by the third/fourth week we would be able to write, recognize some phonetic words. F, A, T, B, H . . .
So finally, a couple weeks ago, we went back to LAK (we had moved on to LA1 while we had the girls for the summer) and finished it up! It only took us 13 months to do a 36 week curriculum. We had two letter pages left, X and Q. We now have a full set of letter posters and a happy little girl.
She really is ready to keep going with LA1, but I’m trying to hold off a little bit. Trying to get her to just do more reading and finding some early readers for her to focus on. We’ll see how long that lasts.