Hannah asked me for a list of the things we do each day so that she knows what’s coming next. And this morning, there was a post on one of the freebie sites I follow about schedules and stuff. They recommend making it more tactile, where the child moves the cards into a “done” folder, but I’m too lazy to keep track of that (it might work for the kids, but if the parent doesn’t follow up, its not very useful). I took that as a sign, so I just made a simple schedule out of the images so its visual and written. I’ll hang it up on the closet door where they can see it.
This is just ‘the plan’. Its very rarely that we actually do all the things on my list every day. We just get busy playing or have a play date or errands to do. Plus they have a class once a week and we often enjoy our wonderful Arizona weather outside in the afternoon. But at least it will help us remember to do some things sometimes when its like “what are we supposed to be (or could be) doing right now?”.
Some people would probably say that I let the kids have too much screen time. They get an hour of cartoons in the morning, usually play video games during quiet time, hour of cartoons in the afternoon, sometimes computer time (15 min each), and often movie time in the evening. More than 3 hours a day on average! But all of it is educational currently except movie time before bed, not sure if we’ll be able to keep that going as they get older, but we’ll try. And I don’t think they are lacking in exercise/outside time or social time. Not too worried about it at the moment, but maybe should monitor it more.
Now when Nate asks me what I do all day, I can give him a better answer!
I love that our children have scheduled time for things that are important and beneficial: devotions, history, art, math, reading/writing. And I love that they can see that there are times for play and times to be productive.
I know the kids help with feeding the animals and doing dishes, I wish we had more chores we could give them on a consistent basis so they could have a spot on the calendar for actually doing chores.
Thanks for being a great mommy! -Nate