We now have 5 caterpillars in our house. Not sure if all of them are alive though. We’ll see. Supposed to shed skin 4 times as they grow, then weave cocoon, then emerge as Painted Lady butterflies, to be released into the wild.
Nate, Rebecca, Hannah, Benjamin, Ginny, and Joel
2022 The Moehrings
Julie M i cannot like this. caterpillars must be squished.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring They are in a little jar with their food. I’m not afraid.
Julie M in washington, they come in droves and devour trees. my sister used to throw them at me and i would find them on my shoulder hours later. i am traumatized by them.
Amy M Yay we did this at my daycare and its so fun
Allie W So fun! Wish you were my science teacher.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Sounds like Julie and Allie need to come over and meet our ‘pets’.

Julie M only if your science project includes what colors are inside the caterpillars!
Ruth G We have those! They are in the cocoon phase. They have been great to watch. We were amazed at how quickly they grew.
Belinda V Fun experience.
Sherrie S We really enjoyed doing this. Most of ours made it.