We have embarked on operation “rearrange the living room” sponsored by Becca, which includes dismantling a very large and outdated entertainment center. Nate says he’s either going to be happy with this or very pissed off. This is the closest he will get to blaming me for a lot of work on his Saturday.
Julie M i did like the entertainment center and never thought of it as outdated. but i totally understand going no tv
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring If we can get it out of the house in partial pieces, do you want it?
Julie M if i were in another place in my life. it’s currently larger than my apartment!
John W Just wait until Microsoft “Tiles” on wall mounted View panels replace all your “Entertainment Furniture”.. then it’s “Out out brief Stain”
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring that entertainment center provided for a lot of 3D storage space. All of that stuff has to go somewhere. I’m not convinced we benefit from removing it, and it eliminates the option of putting our 36″ CRT back into the living room. It’ll take me a while to decide if I like these changes, but I’m trying to keep an open mind that it’s an experiment. And, if the experiment goes poorly, we’ll eventually end up with either a wall mounted flat screen or a projector. So it’s kind of a win win in the long run. -Nate