Look at my handsome preschooler! He’s done with a first full round of P3/4 and preschool handwriting (HWT) as well as tagging along to big sister’s stuff. He can write all the uppercase letters and often writes his name on things (even things he shouldn’t be writing on). It’s hard to compare him to Hannah (and I shouldn’t) because he already ‘knows’ everything I try to work on with him. He already knows all the letters by sight and the sounds they make and I’m not even really starting that with him until he turns 4. He likes math topics and often can do simple operations. So ‘school’ for him only lasts about 15 min a day. Of course, we have bible and he gets to do lots of stuff with Hannah, so he’s still getting lots of instruction, but mostly by osmosis. I hope this trend continues!
Here are the pictures of his lapbook for the core: Lapbook!
Below are his (on the left) and Hannah’s free drawings at the end of the core. Even though she’s a much better artist now, it seems like they are comparable at comparable ages. (As in, I have no idea what that is unless they tell me!)
So what’s next? We’re going to read some sequels and books by the same authors that we liked in the core and at the same time go back through the core at a much faster pace. Hoping to have reread everything by the time he turns 4 in November and probably start P4/5 soon after that. This should be pretty easy to do as he always asks for me to read ‘one more’ and we’ll just keep going until he’s tired for the day. I’m having him work through some preschool workbooks, just to keep him writing a little bit. We’re also working on scissor skills. We definitely won’t be bored!
Congratulations! Keep up the great work [smile].