Wow, 30 weeks of Kindergarten down, 6 to go.
Bible – We are in the Babylonian exile in Bible. Lots of fun and exciting stories going on with Daniel and then Esther and on. I had a good time reading through the “summary” of the prophets in Hannah’s bible as they pointed out lots of facts about the people themselves that are easy to overlook when you are bogged down in reading the judgments of the nation in their writings.
In history/social studies, we’ve been catching up to modern times with a lot of missionary stories since the 1970s. Hannah doesn’t ‘love’ our main book that we’ve been reading from, but each story points out a different way that God can use people for His work and they are not very long.
Read Alouds – Mostly we spent our time on The Wizard of Oz, but we also squeezed in James Herriot’s Treasury for Children. We enjoyed them both. We’ll be starting The House at Pooh Corner next week. I hope I can make up all the little songs nicely for her.
Reading / LA – I started Hannah on the Pizza Hut Book It program. We have a goal for each month and if she meets it, she gets a personal size pizza. We are almost to our October goal. Yay! I’ve been having her read to me from our poetry books because I can never seem to fit them in when they are scheduled. This also solves the problem of her being done with the reading assignments at the beginning of the week. As far as LA goes, we were pretty busy writing our summary of Wizard of Oz so we lagged a lot on the writing assignments. We’ll just keep working through them as they are scheduled.
In science we’ve been flying through topics; gravity, friction, magnets, light, electricity, sound, clocks, gears, telephones, refrigerators, microwaves, cars, tractors, trains, planes. Hannah had a grand old time running around the house with our child lock magnets to see what they would ‘stick’ to. She also learned about the lights inside the fridge and how they turn on and off. Fun times!
Math – I started Hannah on Math 1, but I looked over the beginning and it seemed like it was mostly review for awhile. So instead of making her do each assignment, I just have her do the test for the week with the agreement that if she gets anything wrong then we’ll cover those lessons. So far, she’s through lesson 50 in 5 weeks and hasn’t missed any problems. She really likes not having to do math everyday, so this is good incentive. I think after next week, we’ll be into some new material and it will slow back down to one lesson a day.
Extras – She finished out her art class and came home with lots of projects and since then we’ve started a PE co-op. I’m excited about the co-op as it lasts through April and hopefully we’ll make some good friends through it. I get my turn to teach next month, hopefully I do a good job. We also try to do one extra activity a week with our homeschool group, even if its just getting together at the park.