The newest member of the AZ Moehring household, Chewbacca . . . but we’ll call him Chewy for short!
The kids have been asking for a bunny since we read the Curious George book where George gets to play with and then gets awarded with a bunny, but the answer has always been that we already have two pets. So when we put Hercules down, quite soon afterwards (on the way home) the discussion of a bunny came back up. We were thinking we were going to wait until after our foster son went back to his dad’s, but I heard a lady at our PE class who had one bunny left from a littler in June and she was giving it away for free. So . . . hard to pass up free and something that the kids want. Chewy came home with us yesterday. He’s going to be a yard bunny, we set up a box inside Hercules’ old crate and we can hang his water bottle on it too. We may have to move him inside when it gets really hot, but he should be able to be outside most of the year. He has already eaten our dandelions! Woohoo! He’s a little skittish with the kids, but once we catch him and calm him, he will lay still for them for a short time. Hopefully, he’ll start to love all the love they want to give him.
He is a cross, I need to get the exact details on his heritage. His mom is a “Lop” and his dad must be brown but I don’t know the breed. He typically runs around with one ear up and one ear down, I have heard you can train him to droop them both. He was born in June and should be full grown in a few months. As you can see, the kids are pretty happy with the new little guy!