Ok, so I might have slacked a little bit on the additions to the paper model nativity. We were supposed to finish the shepherd pack which had 3 shepherds, a fire, and three sheep. However, Hannah wanted to do the animal pack which included cats and mice and one cow. Thus, we only got two shepherds, one sheep, and half a fire finished after that. There’s always next year. . .
In other randomness, I’ve decided that my children like to do ‘reverse elf-on-the-shelf’ with my nativity scenes (really I’m just OCD). They move all of them around constantly. Yesterday, we had a ninja riding a camel. But most of all, they like to move baby Jesus. Since he’s kinda central to the whole thing, it kinda drives me crazy. I have to have a time in the morning where I say, ok, put all of mommy’s baby Jesuses back now. Thanks! I do love that they enjoy playing with them though. My favorite is when the ‘put everyone to sleep’ by laying them over. See picture on left.