We are done with the official 36 weeks of Core A! We have a few weeks of science left and 6 weeks of LA. I have another post coming in January to discuss my plan until we start 1st grade (Core B) in the fall. I suppose we’ll call it another ‘tweener’ period.
Bible – We are not done with the bible for this core yet. We finally got to New Testament, it will go fast from here, then she can listen in on Ben’s readings again. Since Ben started P4/5, we also have a fresh set of bible verses to work on.
In history/social studies, we finished up our missionary book. We also read a book about Jungles, Mountains, and Deserts and how people and animals live in them.
For Read Alouds, we read House at Pooh Corner, A Grain of Rice, Five True Dog Stories, and finished up our Mother Goose book (which we really liked).
Reading / LA – Hannah made her goal for November Book It, we need to go get her free pizza. December might be difficult, we’ll have to make her read to the grandparents on our trip. We’re still chugging along, even though we are behind. She is really good at reading, but takes a lot of coaxing to do her writing and spelling. So I try not to overload her on a daily basis with those tasks.
Science – For some reason we really slacked on science recently. With our PE taking up two afternoons, its the topic that gets dropped more often. We finished up with transportation, ships and boats and submarines. Them moved into a space section. We’ve been learning about space craft, satellites, and started an overview on the solar system. When we did the sun this week, I pulled out our “They Might Be Giants” CD and played her the sun song. I need to incorporate more of their stuff into our school times! We just have the rest of the planets and other solar system things and then we have a little section on Isaac Newton to finish up Science K.
In math, we finally slowed down to one lesson a day on the days we do it. We’re into 100s place value, subtracting double digits, measuring, identifying fractions, and more clocks. It hasn’t been a big struggle lately, so maybe she is happier with a little bit more challenging material. Even at our slower pace, we’re going to be done with 1st grade math before we start Core B unless we hit some really difficult material.
Extras – Our PE co-op finished up before Thanksgiving and we’re on break until January. It’s been a good group for us and we hope to form some good friendships out of it. We’re still meeting with our other group for field trips and park days. I try to limit those to once a week.
Here is the link to photos of her lapbook. This is our way of documenting what we’ve done all year. We’ll still have more to add to it, since we’re going to have another 7 months of material!
All the photos for Core A work can be found here. It’s fun to look back over all stuff we’ve been doing.