2nd night in Cali, I think we just felt our first earthquake (in Marina del Rey)! Funny feeling to have the floor move beneath you. Nothing rattled or fell. -Nate
1 thought on “Earthquake”
Melanie T USA today just said a 5.1 earthquake hit Los Angeles.
Cassie W My parents are out there this weekend and just called to say they hate that place. Instantly thought of you guys. Welcome to California
Bill N Beth C There were actually 3 quakes today. The 5.1 mentioned above was the largest and probably the one you felt. I guess its part of living in California. Cross your fingers that they don’t get bigger. Might be worth getting the “what to do” scoop from the veterans.
Julie M 5.1 sayeth the news. just a baby. i’ll pray you never see a biggie.
Terry R It is a weird feeling…
Cassie W My friend said it was a side to side one. Those are better than the vertical. Hope your welcome is over and you can enjoy CA living
Amy H Scary stuff! Prayers that you all remain safe. Congrats on the new job!!
Linda V A friend also felt it in Huntington Beach
Bill N Beth C Now you’re true Californians !
John W overdue for the 122 year 8.0 – statistically on borrowed time, probably one time where Fraking could relieve stress and prevent a catastrophe
Chuck D There is a song that kinda says the same. Be safe guys.
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5
Melanie T USA today just said a 5.1 earthquake hit Los Angeles.
Cassie W My parents are out there this weekend and just called to say they hate that place. Instantly thought of you guys. Welcome to California
Bill N Beth C There were actually 3 quakes today. The 5.1 mentioned above was the largest and probably the one you felt. I guess its part of living in California. Cross your fingers that they don’t get bigger. Might be worth getting the “what to do” scoop from the veterans.
Julie M 5.1 sayeth the news. just a baby. i’ll pray you never see a biggie.
Terry R It is a weird feeling…
Cassie W My friend said it was a side to side one. Those are better than the vertical. Hope your welcome is over and you can enjoy CA living
Amy H Scary stuff! Prayers that you all remain safe. Congrats on the new job!!
Linda V A friend also felt it in Huntington Beach
Bill N Beth C Now you’re true Californians !
John W overdue for the 122 year 8.0 – statistically on borrowed time, probably one time where Fraking could relieve stress and prevent a catastrophe
Chuck D There is a song that kinda says the same. Be safe guys.