We are now completely done with Hannah’s Core A year. We finished up the last few weeks of SL Science A and SL Language Arts 1 a couple weeks ago.
We are officially ‘tweeners now. We’re between Core A and Core B. We’re planning to start Core B in the fall to be more in line with the traditional school year around here. We’re not really taking the time off though.
– We have been re-reading through our encyclopedia. We’ve finished our world, animals and plants, and how your body works, and went through a quick history again. Hannah is starting to tie things together and its fun to see the ‘light go off’ when she makes a connection.
– She requested to learn cursive and is doing very well with the 10 letters she has learned so far. She’s able to write a good number of words but we haven’t learned capital letters yet, so not really writing any sentences.
– Still doing an almost daily math lesson. She has about 50 lessons left to finish out math 1. After that, we’ll just use our flash master to review add and subtract facts until we start up Horizons 2 in the fall.
– We’ve been reading through a missionary book called Hero Tales that I’m really happy with. I’ve enjoyed learning about some new people and more history on some people I was familiar with already. There are four stories per person, so we spend a week on each one. So far we’ve done Gladys Aylward, William and Catherine booth, Amy Carmichael, Adoniram and Ann Judson, David Livingstone, Martin Luther, Dwight L Moody, Samuel Morris, George Muller, Menno Simons, Mary Slessor, and Hudson Taylor. I’ll be sad when this book is finished. We only have Harriet Tubman, William Tyndale, and John Wesley left.
– For read alouds, we’ve been flying through some really fun books. Since we read Here’s a Penny by Carolyn Haywood for Core A, and since I happened to have more of her books on hand we’ve read, Eddie the Dog Holder, Eddie’s Green Thumb, and Robert Rows the River. She has a ton of other books, so we may have to pick up some of them from the library. We also read through some more of the original Winnie the Pooh stories and poems, another Ramona book, and another Dr. Dolittle book.
Our plan for the rest of the summer is to keep on with math and handwriting and read as many of the Little House books as we can (probably only 3 or 4) before its time to start first grade.
Again: Congratulations! [smile] Enjoy the more relaxed pace for a while.