Today Hannah (my baby) gets to go on an outing with her Kids Club, marking the first time I can think of that she’s been somewhere with someone not related to her or being paid by me. Her response to being told that neither mommy or daddy will be there . . . “It’s ok mommy, I’m 6 now!”
Amy M Aw I don’t like them growing up!
Kerri He And how is Mommy handling it?
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Oh, you know. . . I’m practicing being calm mom and not doing my impression of Marlin on Nemo.
Tonya D Awwww how sweet!!!
Jackie P You will be watching out the window until she gets home!
SjaakGinny V They spent that day with me, you remember…but maybe I’m “like” family?
Kim H That’s so cute! I remember dropping Kristen off at preschool when she was 3 and she turned around and said “You can leave now mom!”