Time for a little update on Hannah.
She is away at her first overnight bible camp this week. They are staying at the church, but doing day trips. The trips include a water park, theme park, movie day, swimming, park outings, and other fun stuff. So far, we’ve seen her both days and Daddy and Benjamin are invited to crash their pool time this evening. Hannah is doing ok, has asked to see us, but doesn’t want to go home. Proud of her! I think she’s a little worn out already, hope she can make it to Friday. No pictures yet, will see if I can get some.
She got to be part of a Pre-K and K graduation party with our hs group. The kiddos were adorable and the organizer provided little diplomas, caps, and leis. Very fun! When I first asked her if she wanted to go she was like, I finished Kinder a long time ago. But then I told her there would be cupcakes and that sealed the deal. All pictures here!
As far as school. . . things have been light, but we’ve still had a little bit of daily work when we are at home.
– She flew through cursive, has learned all the letters – lowercase and uppercase – and writes very nicely. She is about 50/50 on whether she wants to do her work in cursive or print.
– She finished up the final worksheets in her math 1 set, so now I just have her do a speed test on our flashmaster to keep her fresh.
– We found a new piano teacher, we’ve only had one lesson with her so far, we’ll have to see how it goes. Hannah’s doing really good and almost done with the intro book we have.
– We finished Little House in the Big Woods and have a few chapters of Farmer Boy left. We are going to try to get through Little House on the Prairie before starting first grade.
– She has been devouring books. Working through some of the Magic Tree House series (see heiroglyphs created after reading the mummy one) and others we find at the library. And doing a monthly book report presentation with our group.
Recent school work photos
Sounds like a lot when I only update every three months, but we usually only spend about an hour (spread out) in the day on school and only on days we don’t have some outing / field trip / or exploration to do.