I wanted to get Hannah on a ‘similar’ schedule to traditional schools so when people ask her what grade she is in we can tell them and it will be equivalent to children her age. So we stretched Core A (Kinder) out to start Core B (1st grade) this fall. My sister had some of the books we needed to complete our set, so now we are ready and will probably start in a couple weeks.
Here’s the plan:
Sonlight Core B (an older version) and readers, Sonlight Science B, Sonlight LA2, and Horizons Math 2. Core B is world history from creation to the fall of Rome. From my lurking on the forums, it will be really fun. I’ve also been trying to pre-read some of the books and I’m excited for the ones I’ve read so far. Plus we have come to love the Usborne books and there is no shortage of them in this set of books. The ones that have internet links, I have posted here so we can reference them easily anytime. Science B is titled Animals, Astronomy, and Physics. Science always sounds fun to me.
Sonlight Core B and readers – an old version (Images of the books here):
A Child’s History of the World
Archaeologists Dig For Clues
Charlotte’s Web
Core B Instructors Guide
Detectives in Togas
Favorite Poems of Childhood
Follow My Leader
From Akebu to Zapotec
George Muller
Gooney Bird Greene
Greek Myths for Young Children
Henry Huggins
Homer Price
Houses and Homes
It Could Always Be Worse*
Leading Little Ones to God
Little Pear
Missionary Stories with the Millers
Mountain Born
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
Peoples of the World
Roman Diary*
Sing the Word: A New Commandment – CD
The Case of the Gasping Garbage*
The Great Wall of China
The Greek News
The Sword in the Tree*
The Usborne Book of World History
The Usborne Time Traveler
The Wheel on the School
The Year of Miss Agnes
Timeline Figures B
Tut’s Mummy Lost & Found
Understood Betsy
Sonlight Science B (Images of books here):
Discover & Do Level 1 DVD
First Encyclopedia of the Human Body
Night Animals
Pasteur’s Fight Against Microbes
Science Activities, Vol. 1
Science B Instructor’s Guide
Science Supplies Kit B
See How It’s Made
The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks
The Usborne World Of Animals
What Makes You Ill?
Why Do People Eat?
Sonlight LA2 (Images of books here):
Amelia Bedelia
Beginners Bible
Daniel’s Duck
ETC 4, 5, 6
Frog and Toad All Year
Frog and Toad are Friends
Forg and Toad Together
Greg’s Microscope
Hill of Fire
Language Arts 2 Instructors Guide
Mouse Tales
Nate the Great
Owl at Home
Owls in the Family*
Titanic: Lost and Found
Pompeii: Buried Alive
The Big Balloon Race
The Fire Cat
Wordly Wise A
Wagon Wheels
*I purchased all the books that have been added to the core since the version I have. I also have a bunch of other related materials on my shelf. We might add them in as supplemental stuff or just have Hannah read them to herself. I plan on updating to the current core when Ben is ready to go through it.