Benjamin finished up week 30 of his P4/5 work. (We have 6 left.)
One area our development workbooks has pointed out to us that Ben needs work is in multi-step directions (who doesn’t), he only does good with two-ish, after three he forgets. It’s not a surprise, he’s very single-minded, which can be a good thing in some cases. It’s not really a concern, just something I need to be aware of when teaching him, either give him one thing at a time to do or be willing to repeat myself often. I think he will probably become a list person when he gets older to help him stay on task and not forget anything.
Bible – We completed the P4/5 bible, Family Time Bible in Pictures. Now he’s just tagging along listening to Hannah read the Beginner’s Bible and me read some from the bible. Also continuing on weekly bible verses and learning new songs each week.
In history/social studies, we listened to some American Tall Tales. We read a book called People by Peter Spier which is a really nicely done book on diversity across the world. We also started a book called Then and Now which compares different areas of our lives with the ‘then’ times, pre-electricity.
Read Alouds – Continuing with daily Mother Goose, and weekly selections from Uncle Wiggily, Milly Molly Mandy, Stories From Around the World, Children’s Book of Virtues, or Lion Storyteller Book. We use First Thousand Words as a vocabulary builder and also have an art appreciation book.
Reading / LA – Ben finished up the first set of Bob books and has completed the readers for LAK, so we just do a little bit of reading in some of our other early readers to keep practicing. He does really well. We only have three letters left of the alphabet and Ben is getting more comfortable with his lowercase handwriting.
Ben has been participating in our monthly book report club and he is getting much more understandable in his presentations. He even wanted to go second in our last meeting. Great skill building!
Science – Read and did a book report on the simple machines in How Do You Lift a Lion and read What’s Smaller Than A Pygmy Shrew.
Math – No formal math, just writing some numbers and working on recognition up to 100.
Extras – We visited the Natural History Museum, had a field trip to Seaside Lagoon, did the summer movie express, flew model rockets, toured a cave, and spent lots of time in our pool.
Benjamin has also been showing a lot of interest and aptitude with board games. Particularly, he’s been doing really well with chess and checkers. We have a giant board at church that he really likes to play on and we often get our board out at home. He’s challenged both of his grandfathers to ‘beat me but you might lose’.