Fulfilling our role as nerdy parents one day at a time, the children have now seen The Princess Bride.
1 thought on “Princess Bride”
Carolyn L That is also the official HS’ing movie (from what I am told). We have not seen it. So Ben was ok with it? I did not know if it would be too intense for Christopher.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Hmm. . . never heard that. Wonder why? Ben did fine, of course, they have also seen Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. It’s pretty clean comparatively.
Carolyn L I guess it is a common movie shown at HS’ing birthday parties. Our kids are a little young so maybe that is why. I figure they will eventually see it:)
Belinda V One of the best!
Nancy I Just wait till they start reciting it to you!
Donald B Have they seen Schoolhouse Rock yet?
Char C we usually make it a thing to introduce at least 1 80’s/90’s classic to the kids every weekend. they love it!
Gregory S You showed them the Princess Bride…INCONCEIVABLE!!!
Carolyn L That is also the official HS’ing movie (from what I am told). We have not seen it. So Ben was ok with it? I did not know if it would be too intense for Christopher.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Hmm. . . never heard that. Wonder why? Ben did fine, of course, they have also seen Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. It’s pretty clean comparatively.
Carolyn L I guess it is a common movie shown at HS’ing birthday parties. Our kids are a little young so maybe that is why. I figure they will eventually see it:)
Belinda V One of the best!
Nancy I Just wait till they start reciting it to you!
Donald B Have they seen Schoolhouse Rock yet?
Char C we usually make it a thing to introduce at least 1 80’s/90’s classic to the kids every weekend. they love it!
Gregory S You showed them the Princess Bride…INCONCEIVABLE!!!