On Friday, Benjamin finished his year 4 preschool (Sonlight P4/5) and kinder language arts (LAK). Sonlight had updated the LAK since I did it with Hannah and the writing exercises were much better leveled this time around so I’m glad I upgraded to the new version. Benjamin is reading great and writing well so we’ll call this year a success!
In bible, we had finished up his P4/5 one early so he has been joining me listening to Hannah read her Core A children’s bible. He’s pretty good at remembering his scripture for the week, but it doesn’t seem to stick much longer than that.
In history/social studies, we finished up the Then and Now book and read a book called New Toes for Tia about a little Thai girl who’s feet were burned in a fire.
We closed out all of our year-long read alouds including our Mother Goose book, an art book, Uncle Wiggily, Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book, Stories from Around the World, First 1000 Words, and Children’s Book of Virtues. When we finished Uncle Wiggily, Benjamin said “Let’s read it again!”
As we finished up books, we added them to our P4/5 Lapbook which serves as our ‘record’ of what all Ben did over the year. All the photos of the finished product can be found here.
Reading / LA – Benjamin read all of the LAK phonetic readers awhile ago, so we’ve just been moving on with other early readers on a daily basis as he wants to. He is doing pretty good with his copywork and does alright with any creative writing assignments (which I scribe for him). He likes to make up stories, but doesn’t always want to follow the prompts that are given. He also finished up his letter pages, they can be viewed here.
For Science, we read a book called How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World which is an introduction to the composition of the Earth and then worked through an Usborne book called Why do Tigers Have Stripes? which explores the world of animal colors and how they use them. He’s also been having a fun time tagging along with Hannah’s magnet experiments for Core B.
We aren’t doing any formal math but I have a couple worksheets that we do every now and then.
Extras –
Benjamin has been loving our Disney pass. He really likes to do the Star Wars show and fight Darth Vader, but he also has lots of fun with the rides and seeing all the characters. Ben loves watching the shows and parades.
He also got to go to the Discovery Science Center and LA County fair and has done a couple of book reports with our homeschool group.
Facebook comments:
CharLee Christian hooray!!
Samantha Lin Yippee!
Judy Swee Such a cutie!! Good for you, Ben!!
Allie Woodland The letter pages, are those from Sonlight or something else? I don’t remember seeing those in the PreK.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Allie Woodland, they are in the LAK. They give you pictures that you cut up.
Allie Woodland ok, good to know!