Another 6 weeks down! We are officially 1/3 of the way through 1st grade, though in reality we’ll probably do some schooling through the summer. And I just ordered the rest of what I need for Ben to start Kinder in a few weeks.
We finished up the old testament part of Hannah’s beginner’s bible and are working through Genesis as our daily reading time. She’s been coming up with some fun questions and we’ve been having some great discussions. I also really enjoy the Leading Little Ones to God book.
In history/social studies, we have touched on a few ancient civilizations – Mesopotamia, Babylon, Pompeii, and Crete. We spent a little bit more time with Egypt and have some more Egyptian studies coming up before we move into Ancient Greece.
In Read Alouds, we made it through Mr. Popper’s Pengins, Gooney Bird Greene, Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found, and Mountain Born. We enjoyed Gooney Bird the most, but the other’s were good too. She finished her reading goals for October, so gets a little personal pizza from Pizza Hut!
For Reading, Hannah worked through a poem book called “Surprises” and Pompeii. . . Buried Alive!. There is a Magic Treehouse book about Pompeii (#13) that I think I’ll find for her next time we go to the library. In LA, some days she rushes through it and some days she wants to be very detailed. I think it depends if she likes the assignment or not. She wrote some fun stories and drew some great illustrations as well as doing a couple very nice book reports with our homeschool group. In phonics, we worked on more syllables, endings -ed and -le and digraphs.
Science: We got a little behind on science, if there is such a thing. We’re still working through animals and magnets. We’re also reading a pretty fun book called See How It’s Made. It takes an object, like a CD and goes through the step by step manufacturing process. Lots of fun little facts are added in too.
We are plodding along in math. Hannah is really good at it, but tends to not enjoy it as much. So she let’s herself get distracted or spends (wastes) time doodling all over her paper instead of just doing the work. She recently learned borrowing, so that’s been fun.
Extras: We’ve done quite a few fun trips with our homeschool group. I try to limit field trips to once a week and we tend to go to Disney once a week as well. It is more fun to do that with friends as the lines don’t seem as long. We did the Long Beach Aquarium, the botanical garden, the OC zoo, and a couple other playdates thrown in there. We also go to the library when we need some reading material or to a park day if we don’t have other stuff going on that week.
Awesome, Hannah!! So proud of you!