I’ve got a funny story for you . . .
So my semi-official OCD rule about our Christmas letter is that it should be able to fit on one page (maybe with a little bit of margin squeezing or text size changing) and have a good pic of each of us even if its not one of all of us together. This rule has kept me from letting my hubby write our letter very often because he writes a lot more than me and it turns out being two pages long and I have to edit it.
But I decided to try to let him write this year’s because I’m tired. . . and this year was a lot about him anyway with the job change and such.
So . . . this year he didn’t write too much. . . it comes about to about a page with one photo. . . however, he did spend a lot of time finding photos for each month and his ‘letter’ ended up being 5 pages long! Haha. A two page written letter, I could see myself printing and mailing out, but a 5 page one? Not so much. This is why you all get a digital version this year.
Thank you Nate. I love you!
Our Christmas letter can be found here: http://www.themoehrings.com/docs/xmas_2014.pdf.
Merry Christmas from the Moehrings!