Our lives are fairly hectic on any normal day, so add in some relatives or friends coming for a visit and then things get really fun.
Nate’s parents, Gram and PawPaw, came to see what the great city is like and to be around for Ben’s birthday. Here’s the stuff we did. . .
– Benjamin’s birthday party
– Benjamin’s birthday
– Turkey crafts
– Christmas cookie decorating
– Visit the botanical garden
– Went to see Big Hero 6
– LA Bus Tour with 5 stops (This is really good if you have no idea where anything is or what to do in LA. However, it is not good if you want to spend time at any particular tourist spot because the stops are short. Good overview, now we know places/things to do.) We chose a good day because it was an amazingly clear (smog free) and we had great visibility.
– Were supposed to go see the Pompeii exhibit but our trip had to be postponed so we met some friends at a park to erupt volcanoes and play with diet coke and mentos instead.
– Lots of play time . . .
We enjoy having visitors and can’t wait to see who comes next.
All the photos are here.