Introduce us to your family. Are you just getting started homeschooling? Or do you have graduates? Or somewhere in between?
Hello Sonlight Bloggers!
I’m excited to be a part of the blog party. I’m Rebecca and I have a 7 yr old daughter, Hannah, and a 5 yr old son, Benjamin. We also have one on the way hopefully arriving in the next month. My husband, Nate, is really supportive of our homeschooling endeavors and sometimes has to pick up my slack to finish off science activities and reading on the weekends.
This is my 4th year using Sonlight. I started out trying to find something that could be split between myself and my part time nanny for my little girl to do. There may be more options out there now, but P3/4 was the best thing I could find at the time and we haven’t looked back. LOVE the Instructor’s Guides! I ended up making my own schedule for P3/4 based on what I saw for P4/5. People always ask me how long I plan to homeschool and I just tell them that I’ve bought the books for next year and I can’t plan further than that! We are now halfway through Core B, Science B, and LA2 with Hannah and about 6 weeks into Core A, Science A, and LA1 with Benjamin. I’m planning to stretch him until fall of 2016 before starting him on Core B.
I blog primarily as a way to keep my friends and family who are scattered all over up to date on what we are doing. Not always about school, but I do have some categories that I’ve been using to organize:
–Homeschool All things Homeschool
–P3/4 – Sonlight’s PreK 3 yo program
–P4/5 – Sonlight’s PreK 4 yo program
–Core A – Sonlight’s Kindergarten Program
–Core B – Sonlight’s 1st Grade Program (World History Part 1)
Luke found me awhile back and I always appreciate his comments and encouragement! Looking forward to meeting other Sonlight bloggers. . .
Nice to meet you, Rebecca!
I just love the Instructor’s Guides too! Makes it so easy to use Sonlight. I hope all goes well with the arrival of your new little one.
Hi Rebecca! It’s so nice to meet you and your family! I like your plan to take it one year at a time. That’s what we did, too!
Okay, I made a point of not commenting on all the Blog Party posts — and merely finding more amazing bloggers to follow — but you mentioned me by name. How could I resist stopping by to say “hi” after that? [smile]
So glad you’re taking part in this and that your family is loving to learn with Sonlight! Thank you for sharing.
Yes, I am totally jealous because he did not comment on everyone’s blog. Ha!!! Just kidding, Luke!!
Pleased to meet you
Thank you for sharing
Hi, Rebecca! So nice to meet you! I’m glad you are participating in the Sonlight blog party. I look forward to reading more from you throughout the year.
Nice to “meet” you! Looking forward to read more through the year.
Hi Rebecca. I enjoyed reading your blog post today. Looking forward to getting to know your family in the months ahead. Blessings!!
I’ve been reading your blog for a few months (found you via the Sonlight Forums) because my son is just a little bit behind where your son is, so it’s like I’m looking ahead at what we’ll be doing in a few months.
That’s great. I was following some people ahead of my daughter too. I love the forums!