<–Hannah turns 7! 3 months after my last post, we’ve completed another 6 weeks of Core B! The arrival of little brother and the following family visits derailed us a little bit, but we are back on track and we only have 12 weeks of 1st grade left. . . As a fill in during our off time, we did read two of the Harry Potter books and watched the movies which both children really enjoyed. I think we’ll save the rest of the series for our next break or for during a vacation. We had been reading directly out of the bible for Hannah’s readings, but Benjamin started up in Ergermeier’s and Hannah wanted to tag along. This surprised me because she’s already been through it twice, but it has been awhile. So when we’re done with it, we’ll start back where we left off in her 1st grade readings with Ben tagging along.
She also memorized some more verses. I’m not a huge fan of the music that goes with this particular set of verses, but Hannah doesn’t seem to mind. In history/social studies, we studied Ancient Greece and Greek mythology and then moved into the Middle East and peoples of Old Testament times; Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Assryians. We had a magazine style book called The Greek News and Usborne Greek Myths for Young Children.
The rest of our readings came out of our spines, A Child’s History of the World and Usborne Book of World History. Hannah has been connecting the dots between some of our history studies and bible passages. We’ll be moving into ancient China next so I’m excited.
For Read Alouds we read The Year of Miss Agnes, Follow My Leader, and are halfway through Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. We continue with almost daily poetry and a weekly missionary story.
Hannah’s spelling ability and creative writing is slowly catching up to her reading comprehension. She is able to do her creative writing assignments mostly without my help now and likes to illustrate her stories as well. Her creativity is always lots of fun! She read each of readers with ease: Owl at Home, Frog and Toad are Friends, and Mouse Tales.
We are a few weeks behind the core in science, but completed our tour of the world’s animals, read a couple Magic School Bus books, and have now started the Usborne First Encyclopedia of the Human Body. Weekly science experiments are supposed to happen, but sometimes we just watch the video of how the experiment is supposed to go.
Math is an up and down time of our day. Some days she does her worksheet well and without any issues and some days she seems to have forgotten everything and we have a meltdown. I’ve moved it back to the beginning of our day in our schedule because it seems to go best if we get it out of the way.
For extras we have weekly PE and usually a second park day and a monthly book report club. We’ve also started swimming in our pool again in the afternoons if we have finished our work and don’t have to go out. Hannah finished up her last month for Pizza Hut Book It this year and we’ll be going to get her free pizza soon! We had field trips to the Natural History Museum, the Abalone Cove Tide Pools, and the LA Co Museum of Art. And we had a fun trip to Lego Land as well as a spring party with our group. I think it is safe to say we stay busy but have a lot of fun.
I love my wife and the awesome job she does providing tailored teaching for our children!
Judy S Good for you, Hannah!!
Susie H Little Becca ; )