Hannah has finished up week 30 of 1st Grade (Core B) and we only have 6 weeks left! With all our trips and camp this summer we should finish up around the end of July. I’ve started collecting what I need for second grade and her shelf is looking more and more interesting.
We continue to start our day with our morning devotion and bible time. Hannah is tagging along with Ben in the Ergermeier’s bible and we have a few lessons left in her Leading Little Ones to God devotional.
In history/social studies, we did a short study on Ancient China and the Great Wall and then moved through a lot of the Persian and Greek area wars and events. Persian Wars, Punic Wars, Alexander the Great. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. The building of the Parthenon and the Acropolis. We have Ancient Rome coming up to finish off the year.
For read alouds, we did a book on the Great Wall of China and one about a little Chinese boy called Little Pear. Both were enjoyable. Then we started some longer books that we are still working through George Muller:The Guardian of Bristol’s Orphans and The Wheel on the School.
Hannah continues to be a great reader. She likes to finish her assigned reading for the week in one or two days and then on the remaining days I have her read from her magazines or other books we have. These are the assigned readers we did: Greg’s Microscope, Hill of Fire, Frog and Toad All Year, Daniel’s Duck, Amelia Bedelia, and Nate the Great. For language, we learned about adjectives, similes, plurals, adverbs, and some spelling rules.
In science, we are working through an Usborne human body book and learning about our organs and systems. We are a bit behind, but we’ll have some catch up time before starting 2nd grade to wrap up our science studies. After our body unit we move on to space! Part of the reason we are behind is that we’ve been preparing for a science fair with our group in June. Hannah really got into making her board since she likes to be creative.
Math has been going well lately. She has moved into multiplication and seems to like that more than subtraction. Since it is first thing in the morning, we get it over with and move on.
We finished up our PE class in April and are taking a break for the summer, but we still meet with friends about once a week for park play. Still have once a month book report club and our group has now started a once a month book discussion club. Hannah participated in a poetry day and memorized a poem to recite. We had some fun field trips including the Natural History Museum pollinator day and a trip to a local Post Office. It seems amazing that Hannah would have any more time on her hands, but our day to day still has a lot of free time built in and she manages to draw pictures almost daily and make up stories on a regular basis. She loves to make us little cards and we often wake up to notes on the floor by our bedroom door. And, of course, we are distracted by little brother every day!
Kerri H This picture makes her look very tall and skinny.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Haha. I think that is because she IS tall and skinny. smile emoticon
Kerri H That would explain it then! wink emoticon