In honor of our recent earthquakes (yes that is plural) and other worse ones around the world, I beseech thee to remember to DROP, COVER, and HANG ON….
1 thought on “Earthquake Awareness”
Julie M Doorways.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring That’s what I had been taught, but the Ca site says it’s better to get down quickly, next to a bed or under a table, don’t try to change rooms.
Julie M When I was in the Bay Area, people always went under their desks. That was bizarre to me. Being trapped under my desk in rubble sounds rough! But in the Loma Prieta quake, the doorway was a good place (course I was only five feet from it when it started).
Julie M I talked to you before about this, serious, make sure your bookshelves are bolted to the wall. Unless it’s huge, you’ll be good if nothing falls on you. Love you!
Lee Ann H No, not under a table nor doorway. Crouch down with your head covered beside a bed, couch or anything that would create space should the ceiling collapse. If you go under a table or doorway and they break (which would likely happen) it could do more harm and even kill you.
Lee Ann H And if you’re out driving, get out of your car sit or crouch beside the car and cover your head with your arms. Don’t do this if you’re driving on the freeway though
Cassie W I can plan for AZ heat. I don’t miss earthquakes.
Julie M Doorways.
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring That’s what I had been taught, but the Ca site says it’s better to get down quickly, next to a bed or under a table, don’t try to change rooms.
Julie M When I was in the Bay Area, people always went under their desks. That was bizarre to me. Being trapped under my desk in rubble sounds rough! But in the Loma Prieta quake, the doorway was a good place (course I was only five feet from it when it started).
Julie M I talked to you before about this, serious, make sure your bookshelves are bolted to the wall. Unless it’s huge, you’ll be good if nothing falls on you. Love you!
Lee Ann H No, not under a table nor doorway. Crouch down with your head covered beside a bed, couch or anything that would create space should the ceiling collapse. If you go under a table or doorway and they break (which would likely happen) it could do more harm and even kill you.
Lee Ann H And if you’re out driving, get out of your car sit or crouch beside the car and cover your head with your arms. Don’t do this if you’re driving on the freeway though
Cassie W I can plan for AZ heat. I don’t miss earthquakes.