Big month for little guy! Joel is now a national traveler, having been through 8 states. We had a wedding to go to in Indiana, so drove there and back over the course of 3 weeks via Texas and Arizona to visit and meet friends and family. When we got back from our long drive, we headed out again the next day for a tent camping trip with our homeschool group. Pictures will be posted for those trips soon. Joel did really great on all of our travels, he seems to like being outdoors even though it was a bit hot on our camping trip. AND on his 4 mo day, we got to go to Knott’s Berry Farm with some friends.
We had his checkup today. He continues to stay around 95% at 18 lbs 3 oz and 27 in. I’ve gotten official permission to start him on solids. He’s already been doing a bit of cereal here and there and he eats like a champ so I don’t expect much trouble in this department. Developmentally, he started laughing and screeching, rolling from back to front, is getting better hand and head control, and most importantly he found his toes a couple days ago!
Not too many pictures in his album for (June), but a lot will be in our trip albums.
Joel is just precious. All your children are. God bless.
Indiana but not Iowa????! Ha! We’d love to see you if you get up this way.
Yeah, we briefly considered Minnesota since one of my cousins was having a hs graduation party, but I already had a lot of drive time on the schedule. Next time we get to MN we’ll let you know for sure.
OneandonlyTerah L Hes definitely growing. Very cute, I’d keep him Becca!
Debbie D So cute!
Sarah M “Omg mom… Did you know I have toes!!!!!”