Kerri H Yay babywearing daddy! They might both be more comfy if J were “close enough to kiss” wink emoticon
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring That’s how we start and J schooches down. Plus they both got hot.
Kerri H Babywearing in the summer was discussed at my last babywearing meeting. Someone brought a mesh ring sling and a Boba Air. The mesh sling is great for the water, but I don’t know if you’re into slings. I tried on the Boba and it felt AWESOME. It was surprisingly supportive for how thin it is. This may be right up yall’s alley!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring we were both hot before we started, and it wasn’t a hike, just a stroll around the park. -Nate
My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9
Kerri H Yay babywearing daddy! They might both be more comfy if J were “close enough to kiss” wink emoticon
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring That’s how we start and J schooches down. Plus they both got hot.
Kerri H Babywearing in the summer was discussed at my last babywearing meeting. Someone brought a mesh ring sling and a Boba Air. The mesh sling is great for the water, but I don’t know if you’re into slings. I tried on the Boba and it felt AWESOME. It was surprisingly supportive for how thin it is. This may be right up yall’s alley!
Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring we were both hot before we started, and it wasn’t a hike, just a stroll around the park. -Nate
Larry M The “mold” is not quite there as you observe Joel on mamma’s chest, but the more he carries him, the more he “molds” to